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#1 in preferred formulary coverage

OneTouch® test strips have the lowest co-pay on the most health plans† and are always covered on traditional Medicare Part B:

  • 47% of OneTouch® brand users with private insurance pay $0 on 50 ct test strips§
  • Medicare Part B patients pay $0 with most supplemental insurance

View and print coverage grids for SMBG

Medicare Billing Questions?

Steps to reduce test strip claim rejection

Greenlight Video

Find the right route to bill for test strips

Roadmap Video

We’re here to help

For questions about coverage or choosing an authorized vendor

OneTouch® testing supplies are ALWAYS covered by Medicare Part B‡

Call 1-844-942-2654 or click to learn more about Medicare coverage and product availability.

Order samples quickly and easily

We make it simple to order samples, so you can help your patients choose the right OneTouch® meter.

*This program only works with a pharmacy benefit that does not cover OneTouch® test strips. Insurers may offer a lower cost option. Out-of-pocket cost will not be applied to plan deductible. Those insured by any government healthcare program, including but not limited to: Medicare, Medicaid, the military or VA, are NOT eligible for this offer. Program may be changed or discontinued at any time.

Some health plans may have more than one test strip covered at the lowest co-pay.

Coverage and payment subject to co-insurance, deductible and patient eligibility requirements. LifeScan does not guarantee coverage or payment.

§Symphony Health Retail Pharmacy Claims Data, January-October 2019. All day supply.
